
How to Help Your Kids During a Mental Health Crisis 

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How to Help Your Kids During a Mental Health Crisis 

At Hopewell Health Solutions, we see it every day: parents feeling overwhelmed, scared, and unsure of how to help when their child is struggling with their mental health. Watching your child suffer is incredibly painful, and it’s hard not to feel like you’re failing them somehow. But I want to remind you, as a clinician who’s worked with countless families navigating these rough waters, that you’re not alone, and it’s okay not to have all the answers. This journey doesn’t come with a manual, and it’s not about doing things perfectly—it’s about showing up, being present, and getting the right support when things feel too heavy to handle on your own. 

Recognizing the Signs: Trust Your Instincts 

A mental health crisis doesn’t always look like what you might expect. It’s not just the dramatic, obvious moments; sometimes, it’s the subtle changes—the child who used to be full of energy but now seems withdrawn, or the teen who spends all their time in their room, avoiding the world. Maybe it’s the sleepless nights, the persistent worry, or the sudden drop in grades that makes you pause. As parents, it’s easy to second-guess ourselves, but if something feels off, it probably is. Trust that instinct. 

At Hopewell, we understand these signs can be confusing and alarming. Our intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) are designed specifically to provide comprehensive support for kids and teens struggling with their mental health. We offer a safe space where your child can get the help they need, whether it’s through individual therapy, neuropsychiatric testing, or counseling that focuses on addressing their unique challenges. Our IOP is structured to provide a higher level of care than traditional outpatient therapy, without the need for hospitalization. 

Taking Immediate Steps: What to Do When Crisis Hits 

When your child is in crisis, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. The first and most important step is to stay calm and be there for them. Sit with your child, hold their

hand if they let you, and remind them that they are not alone. Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is just be present. 

If your child’s distress seems severe—if they’re expressing thoughts of self-harm, talking about suicide, or you feel they’re in immediate danger—reach out for help right away. Contact crisis services, visit the nearest emergency room, or connect with a mental health professional who can provide immediate support. At Hopewell, we offer a range of crisis intervention services and can guide you through these challenging moments, providing resources like our IOPs that are designed to offer intensive support when it’s needed most. 

Finding the Right Words: Communicating with Your Child 

One of the hardest parts of navigating a mental health crisis is knowing how to talk to your child. It’s okay to feel lost or unsure of what to say. Start small. Approach them with an open heart and let them know you’re there to listen. Sometimes, just saying, “I’m here if you want to talk,” can be the gentle nudge they need to open up. 

Be patient, and don’t rush to fix things. It’s okay if the conversation doesn’t flow perfectly or if your child doesn’t immediately open up. The important thing is that you’re creating a safe space for them to express themselves. If they do start to talk, listen without judgment, validate their feelings, and let them know it’s okay to feel however they’re feeling. This simple act of listening can be incredibly healing. 

Supporting Recovery: One Step at a Time 

Once the immediate crisis has passed, recovery is about finding a new rhythm and building a supportive environment that encourages healing. At Hopewell, our approach goes beyond treating symptoms; we aim to nurture total wellness and growth. We work with families to develop personalized care plans that may include therapy, medication management, and our intensive outpatient programs.

Our IOPs are designed for those struggling with anxiety, depression, OCD, and other mental health challenges. These programs provide a structured yet flexible environment where teens and children can work on their mental health with the support of our dedicated team. We also offer medication management services to ensure that any medications are tailored to your child’s specific needs and closely monitored to support their overall well-being. 

Recovery isn’t a straight line, and it’s okay to have ups and downs. The goal is to create consistency and build resilience. Establishing daily routines, encouraging healthy coping skills like mindfulness or creative expression, and simply being there as your child takes those first steps back toward stability are all important parts of this journey. 

Prevention and Beyond: Building a Strong Foundation 

Every child’s mental health journey is unique, and that’s why at Hopewell, we’re committed to providing individualized care that meets your family where you are. Whether it’s through our IOPs, therapy sessions, or working with our medication management team, our goal is to help your child not just get through the crisis, but thrive in the long term. 

We offer support for a range of mental health needs, including anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, and more. Our team of Glastonbury-based therapists, psychologists, and mental health specialists are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all our clients. If you’re looking for guidance, whether it’s outpatient care, crisis intervention, or specialized treatment, know that you have a team ready to support you every step of the way. 

The most important thing to remember is that you don’t have to do this alone. It’s okay to ask for help, and it’s okay to take things one day at a time. At Hopewell Health Solutions, we’re here to help your child—and your family—through the challenges of mental health with compassion, expertise, and unwavering support. You’ve got this, and we’ve got you. 

Kaitlyn Czapiga, IOP Clinician