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February 27, 2017

Secrets from a 504 Insider: A Parent’s Guide to Academic Accommodations

If your child has a disability that affects his or her ability to perform academically, you may already be thinking about [...]
February 15, 2017

Star Behavior: Five Tips for Stellar Behavior Charts

We’ve all seen them, adorning the walls of our homes and cluttering our children’s classrooms [...]
February 1, 2017

The TYPE A- Personality: Redirect Control and Keep Your Sanity Using This 3 Step Recipe

A common theme that I hear from my clients who are new parents is the [...]
January 18, 2017

Beyond Game Night: Adding More Fun into Family Time

As parents our lives are filled with homework, activities, sports, and school events, making it hard to find time to connect with our children. [...]
January 11, 2017

Life Lessons Learned on the Mountain

I love LOVE LOVE skiing — it is a sport that I was not able to do for many years when I was very sick with multiple debilitating chronic illnesses. During these years, I was barely able to get out of bed much less [...]
January 9, 2017

The Future of Higher Education: What the Experts Agree on and What it Means to Parents

I recently attended the CT Forum in Hartford, CT. Guest panelists included Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education [...]


Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 19a-638, Hopewell Health Solutions, LLC is applying for a certificate of need to establish an outpatient behavioral health care facility for adults at 300 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury, with an associated capital expenditure of $10,000. Interested persons may contact the State of Connecticut, Office of Health Strategy, Attention: Steven Lazarus, 450 Capitol Ave. MS #510HS, Hartford, CT 06134 or by phone at 860.418.7001 for additional information.